Track Heroes, a program that began in 2020, is aimed at serving veterans and first responders dealing with PTSD, anxiety, depression and stress.
This June 2023 event began with laps on the Greer BMW Performance Center Track.  The exercises put the participants in adrenaline rush situations they then manipulate and transform into positive energy.  Comradery is built through the laps, various events, and similar experiences.  The $2000 cost per person was covered by generous donations.
Co-founder Reggie Johnson said the program’s goal is to find alternative solutions and treatments that are specifically targeted to help those who have put their lives on the line to protect our country and the communities we live in.  At the end of each track event a class is held on neuroscience and how the brain works and responds to “fight or flight.”  Thus cementing the reason for this type of activity and the similar stresses drivers have experienced in their respective fields.
Track Heroes is currently hosting one event per year, but hopes to host many more.  CR Access Solutions, LLC is a proud sponsor of this program and encourages you to get involved!  For more information: